Dh Photography

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mike and Klavdeia 12 of November 2011

It was an over cast day and a slight drizzle for Mike and Klavdeia's  wedding, and Soft light was emanating from the clouds. The ceremony was held at Gethsemane Gardens, Christchurch, the very romantic arc setting right on top of the hills over looking Sumner.

We captured some amazing shots from the gardens and took advantage of what it had to offer. From there we headed down to the beach, at that point the rain had eased enough do spread our wings and make some fantastic shots of the day. The reception was held at the North New Brighton War Memorial Centre, where they had the normal formalities. The cake was supplied from Divine Cakes, thanks to Amy.

All images will be posted on my site www.dhphotography.co.nz by the 8th of December,

Here are some sneaky snaps of my favourite images, enjoy

Regards Dean Holliday